Guide: What affects your Approval Rate?
Approval rate is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in affiliate marketing. It keeps marketers awake at night, constantly checking and optimizing their campaigns. When the approval rate is low, many start to scold the call centers and the quality of the calls, but these are not the only factors affecting the approval.
How to create black/white lists
One of the main tasks of every affiliate marketer is to collect and create black/white lists, and we understand more than anyone what a tedious and monotonous job this can be. Therefore, we decided to add a new feature that will make creating your lists easier and faster.
15% discount from AdsBridge for all CPA.House partners!
AdsBridge is a unique tracker and TDS, which offers various tracking functions.
Affiliate Marketing Glossary
Hi friends! There are a lot of specific terms and slang in affiliate marketing. That's why we decided to combine this glossary, where you can look up any terms you didn't know.
Domain parking at CPA.House
We are happy to announce that CPA.House now gives everyone the ability to park domains to the flow system.
We’re happy to introduce our new partner - (ex-Daopush). is a high-tech advertising platform that provides mutually beneficial cooperation for - advertisers, media buyers, webmasters, and ad networks.
How to set up BeMob and integrate it with CPA.House
In this article, we will explain how to configure BeMob tracker and how to connect it to CPA.House. Write all questions in the comments.
How to use Smartlinks function: Full Review
Happy to announce that we have added SmartLinks as the latest update to our system.
Smartlinks allows each partner to create their own smartlinks, in which you can set up the offers you need in rotation for each GEO, set up a global traffic back or a separate one for each GEO, and much more!
How to set up Binom and integrate it with CPA.House
In this article, we will explain how to configure Binom tracker and how to connect it to CPA.House. Write all questions in the comments.
Everything you should know about News Articles
This time we are happy to announce the latest update of our functionality: News articles! With the help of news articles, you can monetize your traffic even more effectively, and detailed statistics and an inventory of tools for working with this vertical promise success right from the start!